Thursday, April 25, 2013

Bee's Wax Encaustic Painting

Oh, my gosh, I am completely smitten by Encaustic Wax!!! It stinks, it's sticky, messy, it burns you and abuses you.....but I am in love.
A gift for my fellow artist and friend. 6 x 8 inch tile

50 year old rusted tools from my Uncle's Barn. The patina moves me

I have researched and read every book I can on the subject, I made a mess, wasted expensive paints, tried making my own medium (not a good idea unless you watch LOT'S of UTUBE videos:D) and finally a hundred bucks, 12 brushes, 6 books and 8 accidents later....I finally made what I proudly call "Works of Art". Everyone who sees the work says that I have found "it". You know, that thing you do best. I will be experimenting and seeing what else I can come up with. I got my framing friend to make wide 2" frames for the tiles and it makes them come alive!!
The wax, slightly tinted with natural bee's wax gives a beautiful, haunting glow to anything you embed in it! It is all I can think about and all I want to do!! I am waiting on a large five pound package of encaustic medium to come in before I start something new since I suck at making it and wasted gobs of it on my learning curve. Even though it can be frustrating and painful, teaching yourself new techniques and learning an art you have no experience in can be so much fun. Try something new this Spring Season! Then share what you did! I would love to see your final works of art.

My show is coming up at Wesleyan College on May 10th!! For the last year and a half I have worked to create the best works of my life. What will I do with myself now? I have a couple more shows as well during the year I will need new art for and hope I can sell some of the ones I created. Although, they are like soul mates to me. The therapy that got me through the 3 toughest years of my life. I will be forever grateful for God's perfect timing of this show!!

"Full Circle" Encaustic Wax on Tile

I have put my words in your mouth and covered you with the shadow of my hand

"2Few" The harvest is great but the laborers are few!

"My thoughts are not your thoughts, my ways are not your ways"